Family Businesses

We work with companies that realize that the path that made them grow and get to where they are is not the same one that will take them forward. yes talent delivers solutions with a high level of customization to meet the particularities of family businesses that plan to professionalize their structures with market executives. Many of the most respected companies in the world were born with family capital. Through a long-term vision and high capacity to generate jobs, family businesses represent an important vector of growth in many economies around the world. And in Brazil, this scenario is no different.


Challenges of Professionalization

However, even though they have many strengths and high economic relevance, many family-owned companies face unique vulnerabilities and the potential for disagreement between family members caused by transition processes between generations, important investment decisions, profit sharing, appointments to leadership positions , etc. After all, before being a company there was already a family and, like every family, there is the potential for conflict.

Canalizar possíveis animosidades para atingir objetivos mais nobres pode reduzir a possibilidade real de resultados funestos e que poderiam impactar os resultados da empresa. O conflito pode ser o maior vilão das empresas familiares, no entanto, se bem trabalhado pode ser o estopim de um sólido crescimento sustentado e embasado em boas práticas de governança corporativa.


Family Succession

For family businesses to sustain dynamic growth over generations, conflicts inherent to business must be managed in a planned and consistent manner. Finding the balance point that will leverage the best aspects of entrepreneurial families, as we know, is not easy. When done well, it brings great results. This is the art of family business management.

Yes Talent’s Family Business practice offers advice to families, entrepreneurs and managers facing challenges in leadership, succession and governance across generations. Based on almost two decades of services provided to national and multinational family-owned companies, we believe that the golden step on this journey is to build an alignment between family members based on shared purposes. With this in mind, our Consultants work closely with family members and shareholders to create an environment that leads to the best decisions in each specific context.

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